GEBÄUDE 9 - General Information
GEBÄUDE 9, a former warehouse, is situated inside a defunct factory site on the right bank of the river Rhine.
Since 1996, it is operated by a group of local promoters.
The 500 persons capacity venue has become a fixture on the German touring circuit, attracting a lot of high profile, internationally acclaimed artists, ranging from the latest indie-rock must-sees to cutting edge dance and urban acts.
The GEBÄUDE 9 premises consist of the bar room, which has a more intimate ambience to it, and the concert hall.
To get a bit of a visual impression of the venue, click fotos
How To Get There
GEBÄUDE 9 is situated in Köln (Cologne), on the river Rhine's right bank, in the "Deutz" borough of Cologne.
* from the North (left bank of the Rhine) - coming into Cologne via A57 change to "Innere Kanalstrasse", direction "Zoobrücke", drive for several kilometers and leave at exit "Köln Messe".
* from the West/South - motorways A1, A3, A4 until interchange "Köln-Ost" , change to direction "Köln Messe", drive for several kilometers and leave at exit "Köln Messe".
After leaving exit "KÖLN/MESSE" (Cologne Trade Fair), at the next crossing please follow the signs "Deutz-Mülheimer Strasse" and "Deutz AG" pointing to the right. Having passed under two bridges, you will spot a factory site on the left hand side. That's the Deutz-Mülheimer Strasse 127-129. The venue is all the way back in the compound, on the right hand side.
Public transport
Train station: Bahnhof Deutz. From there, it's a 10 minutes walk (see itinerary above).
Subway/Tram (KVB) : line 3 or 4, stop KölnMesse Osthallen (see itinerary above).
Concert Ticket Presale
In Germany:
All ticket shops cooperating with cts eventim and kölnticket
Attention visitors from abroad: if you cannot participate in the ticket presale, you may ask for
a ticket reservation via post (at) gebaeude9.de
Tickets have to be picked up and paid at the venue door on the night of the respective concert.
For general information and press queries please contact
Pablo Geller pablo (at) gebaeude9.de
Concert agencies and bands please contact
Jan van Weegen jan (at) gebaeude9.de